Tell me that you love me.
Tell me that you love me
Till my heart shivers and quakes
Till my lip dries and pries this tongue with that sweet taste
Till my eyes can read your mind
And you hide behind nothing at all
And my naked soul soars over it all
Touching it with my own skin
Tell me that you love me
Till your touch can stop my beating heart
Sleeping on that floor night and day,
Day and night
Making our minds intercourse
never fearing time or lust
Beseeching hate with fear on those flowery rainbows
with our brown skin and
indio eyes.
Tell me that you love me
Till this love becomes a political act
Making our very own existence a form of resistance
Liberating our conscience minds
Demolishing institutions with our hearts and wisdom and sights.
Tell me that you love me
Till our love bend narrow paths
Till we change minds twisting their hearts
Till their straight lust can express not only in words
but it forms. Deforming the antiquated dogma of love.
Tell me that you love me
Till this anxious head can rest on your chest
Till this shame and guilt can be devoured by your heart
Till that owl breeches on that branch
And my two spirits reach heaven eternally.
Tell me that you love me
Till i dream of
muxe Mayas Incas Zapotec
men loving each other without fear of tears.
Tell me that you love me
Till this lisping tongue let's me whisper in the
ears of old wise
mestizo men
To escape their insanity
Do not fear your sexuality
Neatly hidden in religious sermons and loveless marriages.
Tell me that you love me.
Tell me that you love me
Till my lungs can burst under this weight of
oppression finally lighting love.
Dispersing into the world, syllables rhythms and rhymes in the form of words
Giving testament that:
"This man loves another man"